Our valuation tools, Quick Valuation and ValueRight
No. Both our valuation tools are free.
Our Quick Valuation tool gives you an estimated valuation based on three financial details. It will take you no longer than five minutes to complete.
ValueRight provides an accurate valuation and requires a minimum of 45 minutes to complete. You’ll be able to pick up where you left off, so don’t worry if you don’t have all the financial details we require on hand. You’ll also receive a downloadable pdf of your valuation insights.
There are multiple valuation methods you can use to understand your business’s worth. Usually, a cash-flow method or asset-based method is used to value a business.
We recommend reading our value a business guide, as this goes into more detail about valuation formula, the benefits and other important information.
If you’d like help with a valuation, you’ll need to reach out to a professional intermediary. In the meantime, you can use our Quick Valuation Tool. It’s easy to use, and only requires three financial details.
You will need:
- At least 1 – 3 year’s profit and loss statement (P&L)
- Owner salary and benefit information
- Value of inventory and other assets
Yes, you can. If you’d like us to connect you with a professional to help with this process, please contact us.
For Standard Private Seller accounts, we are not able to complete the process on your behalf. If you need assistance, your accountant can help. Contact us, and we can connect you with a professional that can help you with the process.
We can help Premium Sellers with their valuation, if they send financial details.
MergerVault is an exclusive section on BusinessesForSale.com which aims to match sellers and buyers of high-value businesses.
If you are a broker that wants to advertise high-value businesses on MergerVault, you will need to sign an agreement that is separate from your standard broker subscription.
Anyone can browse the teasers on MergerVault, but if you are interested in a business, you will need to register and complete an Investor Profile. We’ll need to understand more about who you are, your credentials, and how you plan to fund the transaction.
Typically, we consider any listing with an asking price of over 1 million (GPB/EUR/USD).
Our MergerVault team will review each opportunity personally and set up a call with you to discuss further details about your business and determine if it is a good fit for MergerVault.
If you’d like to discuss advertising your business on MergerVault, please contact us.
Our MergerVault service includes:
- A dedicated Account Manager
- Promotion in MergerVault
- Promotion in search results across BusinessesForSale.com
- Access to high-value buyers with:
- Verified contact details
- Completed Investor Profile that includes working history, financial position and LinkedIn profile
- Regular promotion in our email campaigns and newsletters
- We can offer additional support that includes qualifying buyers further. However, you'll need to contact your account manager to see if this service is available in your area